Katin-aran Childrens Center

 ChildFund Philippines

Katin-aran Childrens center office
Who we are?

*ChildFund International is a non-sectarian,not-for-profit,international non-government organization based in Richmond,virginia USA,Founded in 1938 by Dr.J Calvitt Clarke, ChildFund International works in 31 countries and assists about 15.2 million children and family members worldwide regardless of race,origin,creed, or gender.


*ChildFund has been in Philippines since 1971 when the national office was established as a result of a United Nations report citing the Philippines as having one of the highest malnutrition rates in southeast Asia. ChildFund Philippines currently assist more than 200,000 children and family members in 49 communities.
*ChildFund formerly named Christian Children's Fund works in 55 countries,assisting approximately 15.2 million children and family members regardless of race,creed or gender. Since its inception in 1938, ChildFund has provided more than $2.9 billion in services to children with the most of funding coming from individual contributors in the form of monthly child sponsorships.
*In addition,ChildFund receives grants and donations that support vocational training,literacy training,food distribution,educational programs,early childhood development and emergency relief, safeguarding children in both man-made and natural disasters.
*ChildFund works for the well being of children by supporting locally led initiatives that strengthen families and communities,helping them break the cycle of poberty and protect the rights of their children. ChildFund programs are comprehensive-incorporating health,education,nutrition and livelihood interventions that protect nurture and development children and youth.ChildFund works to assist and protect children and family members in emergency situation and disaster.Currently,ChildFund supports about 1,000 program communities.
*ChildFund is a member of ChildFund Alliance,a global network of 12 child development organizations. Member organization apply standards best practices for program delivery,finance,fundraising and governance under the banner of ChildFund Alliance.As a combined global force, the member organization provided mre than $550 million annually in assistance to children and families in 55 countries.